This is where I come to roost.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

I miss posting here.

...but I've just been flat-out beat this week.

Normally, 3 workshops come with a residency contract.

This week, we're doing 11. Most days, we've done 3 in the morning, then rehearsal in the afternoon.

We're making extra money for each of them...but boy are they tiring.

But, an improv workshop with an on the younger side did produce this pricless quote from one of the kids playing a gnome, he was playing Beyonce in a scene with the easter bunny:

"You did not just hop at me bunny. Somebody's about to get socked up in this limo. Put em 'up!"

It was brilliant.

Lots of planning and staring at budgets going on lately. Planning on how to get home in a few weeks...then how to get to Chicago/home for Thanksgiving as well. Alot to do, worry about, save for, and hope for...but i'm confident all will work itself out.

Life on an army base is strange. But the prices are cheaper. So I'm getting used to that.

Too tired to keep going. Hope you've had more soon.

1 comment:

  1. 11 workshops? Yikes. And I don't like doing 3...Well I hope that maybe during the school year when I can do them BEFORE rehearsal I won't mind so much. It's just really tiring to do anything right after rehearsal.
