This is where I come to roost.

Monday, July 21, 2008

I expect responses from everyone.

So, in liu of a post about what's going on...week looks good...good auditions today. I pose a couple questions for you to think about and respond to, based on observations I've made lately.

Does it seem logical to you to back into a parking space so you can pull out of it frontwards later? What exactly is the advantage of this? Why would you choose to back into a space between two cars, so you can pull out into a more open, less obstructed path forwards, when you could have more control and pull forward when you're close to the objects, and back into the open space? Why do people do this?

Second: Have you ever heard of anyone who hates Morgan Freeman? I mean, I don't know of many people who really LOVE Morgan Freeman either. But i don't think I've ever heard an ill-word spoke about him.


  1. I hate backing into parking spots. Especially in the trucks. I don't even attempt it. I generally try to avoid driving backwards at all costs. But I think reverse parking is dumb and I practically had a nervous breakdown practicing reverse parking the night before my driver's test. I was just getting SO frustrated!

    And Morgan Freeman is pretty fly. I've never personally heard anyone say anything bad about him. Nor gush about his marvelousness...

  2. Anonymous10:52

    I have never backed into a spot, but I have pulled forward into the spot in front of the spot I was going to park in so I wouldn't need to back out later.

    Idk what will happen to the world when Morgan Freeman dies. My mom said she'd leave me dad for him in a heartbeat.

  3. Anonymous18:09

    i think that backing into parking spots is one of those macho things that guys do to impress ladies, just like chugging beer and playing guitar.

    i do not know really anything about morgan freeman. i could not tell you a single movie he was in. that probably means that you are right.
