This is where I come to roost.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Now that it's over,

I'm officially done with:

dogging John McCain and his campaign.

hearing about Sarah Palin.

(and because of the two above)

watching MSNBC. (They can't, rather, won't move on.)

(added later) and also: witty people who put "hussein" as their middle name on facebook.

This election turned liberals into blood-thirsty hate mongers. Sure, that's the way so many McCain supporters were behaving, right up to their "booing" at Obama's name during McCain's concession speech, but isn't the point of liberalism to reject that intolerant, snappy, quick-judged behavior?

I'm glad the election is over, because liberals were seething with hate...all while their candidate was representing the utmost of humility, courage, and cooperation. I hope now, quickly, the image of democrats and liberalism can go back to being what it was. Tolerant of all ideas, supportive of all rights...which includes free speech, whether you like what they're saying or not.

The battle is over, let's wash away the bloodshed now. Please?

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