This is where I come to roost.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Something Personal

So, lately I've been introspective.

The Obama-mania seems like its finally going to now settle down now that he's been sworn in as the President. And as I watched so many people getting so caught up in him, being so excited, happy, and hopeful about his rise to power, I couldn't help but sit and wonder why I am just not.

I mean, I supported him, I voted for him. I believe in him, but I don't feel what everyone else does.

Sometimes I pride myself on being really good at "keeping things in perspective." Other times, I wish I could get caught up in it, something, anything.

I'm also cynical about all of them. Were more people in Washington D.C. yesterday to celebrate the man they supported or only personally feel like "they were a part of history." I've read many facebook statuses supporting the latter. "I was a witness to history!" Whoop. Its selfish, isn't it? Isn't Obama representing so many other things for people to be happy about, than you spending a few hours down the street next to a person who's next to a person who's next to a person who might actually be able to see a person who's close enough to a person who can see Obama?

But then again, it makes me sad that my cynicism and oh-so-important perspective leave me out of that optimism and excitement.

I'm nervous about him. Mainly because there's never been a president with more expected of him. And never a president supported by so many unreasonable type people. I wish him luck, and I hope people don't crucify him when he doesn't do what he said he would as fast or as effectively as they've imagined it.

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